Προμήθεια και τεχνική υποστήριξη καινούργιων και ανακατασκευασμένων ιατρικών διαγνωστικών μηχανημάτων. BIOTEX S.A. Supply and technical support of new and refurbished medical diagnostic equipment. BioteXray Linkedln BioteXray Facebook

Turnkey Projects Biotex

Turnkey Projects

BIOTEX S.A. in order to offer to its clients a complete integral service is  offering “Turnkey Projects” for the equipment of diagnostic centers, private clinics, hospitals and private doctors.


With this service, BIOTEX S.A. together with its personnel, is taking in charge the total procedure of the installation of the new diagnostic unit.


From the removal of older units/parts, the configuration of the room where the unit will be installed, the transportation, the installation and finally the demonstration, our clients don’t have anything to do or worry about than continue their daily working tasks.

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