Προμήθεια και τεχνική υποστήριξη καινούργιων και ανακατασκευασμένων ιατρικών διαγνωστικών μηχανημάτων. BIOTEX S.A. Supply and technical support of new and refurbished medical diagnostic equipment. BioteXray Linkedln BioteXray Facebook

ορθή εγκατάσταση των διάφορων ιατρικών μονάδων ακτινοδιάγνωσης


One of the most important procedures is the correct installation of any medical diagnostic unit. Taking into account that every equipment has different needs (in terms of installation), BIOTEX S.A. can carry out whichever installation within the context of its own expertise.


BIOTEX S.A. can accomplish the pre-installation study and evaluation of the facilities, the installation of every mechanical and electronic component, the necessary connections, the software installation and finally all the final necessary adjustments.

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